Club Lounge 2

With the Club Lounge 2, which is located in the extension of the Central Bar, you can enjoy on one side of the view the Tivoli Stadium, on the other hand, the view of the green landmark called Aachener Soers and on the horse jumping stadium of the ALRV, world famous by the CHIO.

The outdoor area with the terraces to the stadium is walkable and allows breaks with impressive views. Inside are already integrated buffet stations for the catering.

Thus, the Club Lounge 2 is ideal for social business events. Do you want to inspire employees or clients, convey your visions, or simply network in a stimulating environment?

Take advantage of the special opportunities that this location and our team offer you with a full service package.

Cateringservice and bookable event modules guarantee the carefree planning of a successful event.

213 seats
86 seats
230 seats
Stand-up reception
342 seats
Size (sm)
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